It seems like forever since I posted, and it kinda has been, sorry folks. I return today with news of sexy new releases from everyone's favorite designer to talk about, Stiletto Moody. Love them or hate them, totally up to you, there is no secret that I am a fan, and some of the latest releases are as expected, irresistible indulgences for the feet. I plan to try and get through all the new releases in a series of quick posts, so pardon my lack of flowery descriptions, but I think the pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy!

You can get to Stiletto Moody here.
The Stuff;
Shoes: Stiletto Moody, BARE Robin, Black Set.
Outfit: Phoenix Rising, Brace, Forest. (includes chain & rosette belt)
Skin: LeLutka, IFE, SunKissed Makeup 2.
Hair: W & Y, Model AGATA 05.
Accessories: Rozoregalia, RozenKavalier, Hand Ring & Bracelet.
click on images to expand.
The Stuff;
Shoes: Stiletto Moody, BARE Robin, Black Set.
Outfit: Phoenix Rising, Brace, Forest. (includes chain & rosette belt)
Skin: LeLutka, IFE, SunKissed Makeup 2.
Hair: W & Y, Model AGATA 05.
Accessories: Rozoregalia, RozenKavalier, Hand Ring & Bracelet.
click on images to expand.