Well it is not everyday that my favorite shoemaker decides to release some new shoes so when he does you can be sure I have to check them out. There were 2 new releases, the Toltec and the Sebastian. The ones featured in this blog though are the Toltec. So anyway, while trying to help Mui find the best 25 dresses in SL the other day we ended up going to see Raven Pennyfeather from house of Rfyre, and Raven told me about these shoes and how she planned on making an outfit inspired by them. So I was lucky enough to get a sneak preview of the outfit and I must say that the Castaneda costume from House of Rfyre accompanys the Jeepers Toltec release perfectly.

I have to be honest and say that I love the way that these designers of the highest order are inspired by each other and make such wonderful things for us all to wear. The texturing in this release by Eponymous continues to be work of the highest order, as we have come to expect from all Jeepers Creepers releases. As you can see from the pictures, these shoes are a solid loafer style shoe that give an assertion of elegance and class.

One thing I like about the Jeepers Creepers shoe range is that each new release is so different to the last yet they are all such high quality. And the fact that some of the releases are more obscure only adds to their appeal in my mind. You know that if you want to stand out in the crowd and not adhere to the mainstream then these are the shoes for you, as they allow you to differentiate yourself as well as any item of clothing that I have seen.

The Castaneda costume from the House Of Rfyre has first rate highly detailed texturing as does every outfit I have ever worn or seen from Raven. The House of Rfyre is renowned amongst the SL community for having some of the best texturing ever seen, and this is for good reason. Everytime I have tried on an outfit from Raven I have spent a long time just camming around admiring the detail with which she applys to all her creations. Every piece is truly a work of art, but I must say another thing, the options with which she provides are one of the most appealing things in my mind.

The Castaneda outfits come with the option of a prim jacket and belt or just a prim belt and pocketwatch. Personally I prefer the jackettails as I love to watch my clothing move around in SL. There is also options of a collared jacket, non collared jacket, and vest in the jacket layers. The jackets have sculpted prim sleeves that refine the outfit further, and there is a prim collar to top it off.
There is also 2 different coloured shirts in the Earth coloured pack, whereas the Noir colour has 4 different coloured shirts so there is plenty of variety to be had.

Clothing featured in this post includes
House of Rfyre:
http://slurl.com/secondlife/Isle%20RFyre/97/119/23RFYRE Castaneda Earth
RFYRE Castaneda Noir
Jeepers Creepers:
http://slurl.com/secondlife/Tean/244/64/26Toltec: Black/Red
Toltec: Brown/Lizard